Monday, March 15, 2021


At this point, we have all formed some opinion about the Covid 19 virus.  We have some idea about what it looks like and some idea about how it behaves.  Regarding the behavior, most of us have this wrong, and regarding the look, almost all of us have this completely wrong.

A virus, this virus, is not alive.  It is a piece of matter (we'll get further into that in a moment) that happens to be biological matter.  It has no desires and no consciousness.  It doesn't want to hurt you.  It doesn't want to replicate.  It doesn't want to commandeer the functioning of your cells.   It doesn't want anything.  It is not an 'it.'  It is a tiny piece of DNA surrounded by some proteins.  Neither the DNA nor the proteins have any intentions or any evil designs on you.  They are matter, not life.  They do not have a metabolic system to generate their own energy.  They have no volition.  If they leave one human body, it is because they are carried out on an exhalation.  If they enter another human body it is because they are carried in by an inhalation.  They do not care whether they wind up in another human body, or not.  They are not alive, so, of course, they do not care if they live or die.  The proteins that surround the DNA at the center of the virus are made of chains of amino acids.  These amino acids each have a charge.  They are either positive or negative. They are also averse to water (hydrophobic) or attracted to water (hydrophilic).  But they are not attracted to water like we are attracted to water on a hot day.  They are not thirsty.  They don't crave water.  They don't crave anything.  It's just that the positive and negative charges of the amino acids line up with the positive and negative charges of the water molecule, so that they either bond, or are repulsed.  That's it.

Viruses enter a cell, again, not because they want to, but because the particular shape of the virus and the particular pattern of positive and negative charges aligns perfectly with the particular pattern of positive and negative charges on the membrane of a cell, so that they bond, or that they are pulled into the interior of the cell.  The same thing goes for their entrance through the nuclear membrane.  The same thing goes for their bonding with a particular stretch of DNA in your genome.  It's not that they want to land there, it's not that they want to make copies of themselves.  It's that the pattern of positive and negative charges in the particular shape that the proteins are in, pulls them into that part of the genome that has a compatible shape and series of charges, and once that happens, the genome is stimulated to produce copies of the viral DNA and the codes for the proteins that surround them.  

These copies are produced very quickly and suddenly the DNA of this cell, which is your cell, which you need for the biological functioning of your body, has been commandeered by the virus and is now producing copies of the virus rather than doing the work that you need it to accomplish for you.  These copies of the virus multiply, leave that cell and travel through the nucleoplasm and then through the cytoplasm of that cell and then through the blood stream where they, again, not because of any motivation, but purely because of their shape and design of charges, are pulled into other cells.  If this process goes unchecked, more and more cells are commandeered, taking more and more of your cells off line, at least off your line, and you start to get sick.  Given the rapid speed at which these viruses can replicate, infiltrate other cells and replicate there, unless the body can summon an immune system response, or the body with the aid of modern medicine, can summon an immune response, you will get sicker and sicker as more and more cells are commandeered by the virus and stop serving you.

Now the diagram above shows a very rich, and solid and material and colorful representation of the virus. Depending on who created the representation, these colors will vary completely.  Also available are representations of atoms and the inner workings of the cell in diagrams and videos, all made of brightly colored, solid shapes.  And, in the case of the cell representations, at least, these pictures and videos can give you a good sense of the remarkable complexity and precision of the parts of a cell and how they move as they are doing their work.   This, however, has absolutely nothing to do with what cells, viruses or organelles actually look like.


The tininess of the virus is hard to imagine; impossible really.  Twenty million viruses can fit on the head of a pin.  As I said, each virus is made up of proteins and DNA, and these, in turn, are made up of molecules, which, in turn, are made up of atoms.  Now when we see vibrant colors on these objects, those colors are made from the way the atoms and molecules, of which they are composed, refract light.  Of course, within our bodies and especially within our cells, there is no light; therefore there is no color.  Color needs two things.  It needs light, which is non-existant in the great majority of the interior of our bodies, and it needs the wavelengths that are bounced back from this refraction to be interpreted by the enormously complex visual systems, including retinas and optic nerves, and visual cortexes of our own human bodies.  And all of this, by the way, culminates in a map of firing neurons, in the visual cortex of our brains, each of which must then be interpreted into the colors and shapes as represented in the diagrams, such as the one above.  But the biological, visual equipment to see such a thing as a virus, so dwarfs, in size, the virus itself, that no such visual image is possible, even with the aid of a light microscope.  You can do much better with an electron microscope, but keep in mind, the electron microscope is telling you how the electron is being effected by an 'object.'  It is actually telling you how the electron is being forced one way or the other, which could be accomplished by an 'object' or it could be accomplished by a 'force.'  

Take, for instance, two powerful magnets, each charged in the same way and brought close to each other.  You cannot bring them together.  The space between the two, what is it?  Is it matter or is it force?  And if it's force and not matter, would it be strong enough to effect a stream of electrons?  Of course it would.  It's solid, in the sense that it is impervious to the penetration of our hand, but it is still not matter but a field of forces.  Are those forces created by emanations from the 'matter' of the two magnets on either side, or are they created by two configurations of forces, charged in a certain way, that we call 'magnets'?  In other words, are forces engendered by matter, or is matter, or the illusion of matter, engendered by forces?

                                   WINDOW TINTING

A 25% tint on a car window means that seventy-five percent of the light is blocked and twenty-five percent passes through.  If you put another 25% tint on top of the first one, then you are receiving twenty-five percent of twenty-five percent of the light.  In other words, not a quarter of the light, but a quarter of a quarter.  It would be very difficult, indeed, to see out that window.  So if we go outside the body, because within the body we have the extra problem of the absence of light, but when we look at the colorful things around us, they are made of atoms and molecules.  But to be able to see them at all, we are looking at conglomerations of, at least, many trillions of them.  It is said that we need 20,000 atoms to detect something as wide as a human hair.  But we don't see in one dimension.  We see in three dimensions.  To see the tiniest speck, that speck must have height, width and depth.  In other words, 20,000 atoms in each direction which would be 20,000 to the third power or eight trillion atoms to form a speck that is just on the edge of visibility.  Now let's lose the idea, that we have gotten from charts for years, that the atom is a ball.  If it's an atom of gold, it would be a ball encased in gold.  No such thing.  There is no encasement.  Every element is composed of electrons, neutrons and protons, and these are a tiny, tiny fraction of the space that encompasses the atom.  If the neutrons and protons make up, in space, one millionth of the space of the atom, the electrons compose one thousandth of that millionth.  And we have discovered that electrons, neutrons and protons are not particles, but wave/particles.  Which means, according to modern science that they are 'somehow' in some unpredictable way, changing from waves to particles, and back again.  

I look at this in a completely different way.  What we are, that is all living beings, are ways of converting waves into particles.  We are born, all creatures, to live a particular life, inheriting a particular genome, and, equally as important, a particular set of desires that are completely compatible with that genome (What is the point of having wings if you have no desire to fly?  What is the point of having diggers if you have no desire to dig, or fins if you have no desire to swim, or human brains if you have no human curiosity?) and, also equally important, we inherit a species specific way of perceiving and understanding the world, in terms of who are your species mates and who are your enemies, who are your sexual partners and who are not, what is the food that looks attractive to you, and what looks repellent, what areas seem safe and what areas seem dangerous, etc.)  

All of this is part of your inheritance, which comes as a package, and not piecemeal, as Darwinists would have it.  How could you possibly function, how could you survive long enough to produce progeny, unless you were the inheritor of a genome, a set of desires and a means of perceiving the world around you, each element of which is perfectly compatible with the other?

We encounter these surrounding waves with electrons.  That's how our sensory systems work.   Each wave consists of an outer force which creates the spiral pattern of the wave and is pushing out and the inner part which creates the boundaries and the integrity of the wave, that keeps it from just dispersing randomly through the universe.  This inner stream with an inward pull is, in the case of a light wave,  not a photon, but the precursor to a photon.  When encountered by an electron, the inner force is attracted to that electron, so that instead of moving forward with the rest of the wave at incredible speed, it bonds with the electron and accumulates until it is strong enough to pull the outer forces that are waving forward into an orbit around that central inner force.  In the case of a light wave, this is called a photon.  In the case of an electro-magnetic wave, this is called an electron.  In the case of a proton wave, this is called a proton, etc.  But without our observation, without each particular being creating the illusion of particular objects, which are really particular configurations of forces, the universe is a universe of waves.

Back to the window tints.  If elements are completely opaque, don't forget you are not looking at one atom of them, you are looking at trillions, at least, of atoms.  So if the force field of the atom refracts out a tiny percentage of the light, say .001%,  which would not even be noticeable, then every individual atom would seem completely translucent; but when you multiply that .001% refraction trillions of times, you get something that is utterly opaque.  A single atom is translucent.  A clump of atoms large enough to be visible, depending on which atom it is, which means, really, depending on the make up and density of the inner and outer forces that make up the force field that we call an atom, may be transluscent or opaque.
                               PRE-PERCEPTIVE REALITY

We live in a world of waves, not particles.  The waves are caused by the configuring forces of an inner force (yang) and an outer force (yin).  These endless searches for the ultimate particle that holds the universe together are fruitless and lead us to more absurd conclusions the more we pursue them.

So we cannot perceive a single virus, because it is much too small for our relatively huge perceptive system to encounter.  If anything we can feel it, by seeing how it effects an electron, or perhaps an x-ray, or other means.  So we are not seeing it, but feeling it. The electron or the x-ray feel the contours of it and feels the pattern of forces that emanate from it.  And that is what is going on in every cell in our body.  Configurations of positive and negative forces, the inner force creating an inward pull and the outward force creating an outward pull which creates solidity and shape.  And these 'force-shapes' are passing by each other.  When the shapes and forces are compatible, two configurations merge.  That merge may be strong or weak depending on just how well aligned the shapes and forces are.  Also, one moving shape/force may cleave another shape/force.  So that's what we have.  Specific, translucent, unobservable, shape/forces passing each other and, depending on the compatibility of their patterns of forces and shapes, either combining, passing each other by, or one cleaving the other, and so on.  It's not random.  It is marvelously, transcendentally, brilliantly designed, so that not only do we have functioning organisms, but, depending on the particular sets of genomes/desires/perceptions inherent in each species, we get to live a multitude of completely different lives and get to experience, in this life, the satisfaction of our desires in a world, which each of us, from bacterium to humans, considers, in their own way, to be beautiful and to provide the possibility of enormous pleasure.  Also, when desires are met, we are all, although only a very few of us are able to articulate it, capable of experiencing a glorious peace that comes from sensing the amazing order of this universe and how we fit perfectly into it.

Your comments are always welcome.

Matt Chait

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Dear Nima Arkani-Hamed,

I am writing to you because I understand you to be the leading theoretical physicist of your generation and that you recognize that there is a "sickness, a deep sickness" within physical theory as it exists at the present time.  Among the things that lead you to suspect the presence of this ‘sickness’ are: the weakness of gravity (much weaker than the other three forces of electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong force), the size of the universe (much bigger than present calculations would predict), and the seeming incongruity of the quantum theory of the world of tiny, subatomic particles, and Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity which governs the world of gigantic objects hurtling through space at enormous speeds.  

Finally, you say that spacetime must go.  That, somehow, it must be replaced by something even more fundamental.  Fine.  I’ve been waiting for it to go for a long time.  But you must realize, that if you are removing things at the very center and foundation of a structure, other things will fall with it.  The solution may require, not just that you look at the areas of ‘sickness’ that you have pinpointed in a new light, but that you look at the entire universe and your relation to it in an entirely new light.

The solutions that you seek to this sickness, you have said, cannot come out of the blue, cannot be "silliness."  Foremost among those things that you list as silliness is consciousness.  You talk about the two most popular current physical theories that would lead, in one case, to a universe that doubles every 10-42 seconds.  Given that the universe is, according to these same theorists, over fourteen billion years old, that would lead to a remarkable number of universes.  This is called the ‘cosmological constant’ problem. And the problem doesn't end there.  It would create a mega-universe expanding at unfathomable speed, where the atoms of this mega-universe are themselves universes.  So, wouldn't the unpredictability of the interactions of these atomic universes create new mega-universes at the same rate as we, in our puny universe, are creating regular universes?  Where does it end?

The second theory would lead to the understanding that the entire universe, including ourselves, should be crushed into specks of tiny dimension and unfathomable weight.  This is called the ‘hierarchy problem.’   These theories, although you have the courage and frankness to admit that they lead to absurd conclusions, are still considered, by you, to be serious theories and not silly, like consciousness.  

Consciousness, however, if you think about it, and you may not be used to thinking about it in this way, is the context of our entire experience.  I am writing these words within the context of consciousness.  You explain your theories and the problems with these theories in the context of consciousness. Whatever you or I are experiencing at this very moment, we are experiencing in the context of consciousness, because that’s what consciousness is: the ground of experience.  Because something is ubiquitous usually means that it is very important, not silly.  Fish may not recognize that they swim in water, because they have never experienced 'no water.'  That does not mean that water is not vitally important to their existence,  nor that it does not even exist.  It is the context, the very underpinning of everything else that happens in the life of a fish.

I think you also mean, by silliness,  that it cannot ignore the five hundred years of serious theoretical research in physics that have preceded it.  That it must respect and take into account and provide a way of explaining these theories and where they have gone awry. You give as an example to explain what you mean by serious as opposed to silly, the following:   If you come across a pencil balanced on its end, standing perfectly vertical, you might attribute that to a miraculous fine tuning of elements, to some unseen being who is holding these various forces in balance by an intelligent and unseen will.  But, upon further investigation, and especially if the pencil maintained its perfect verticality for some time, you would discover some mechanism, something perhaps hard to see at first; an almost invisible string, bolted to the ceiling, to which it is attached, or some tiny indentation in the table where there is a very narrow, but deep hole where a needle, well anchored from below, pierces the bottom of the pencil and protrudes up the middle of it far enough to guarantee its stability.  According to you, this is an example of how science, instead of being satisfied with the idea that there is a 'miraculous' fine tuning, discovers mechanisms whereby what takes place is not at the mercy of some uncanny fine tuning, but is the inevitable, and dependable, and reliable result of understandable mechanisms. 



I agree with you that there are mechanisms within mechanism and the search for these more subtle, harder to see mechanisms, has been enhanced by more powerful optical equipment and more sensitive measuring devices. I agree that we have learned much about the way the universe, both big and small, functions, by the discoveries of these subtler mechanisms.  But you will not be able to follow a trail of subtler and subtler mechanisms until you come to a most subtle mechanism which is the origin of all that follows.  For instance, with the vertical pencil, you discovered an invisible thread or a hidden needle.  But how did the hidden needle or the invisible thread get there?  There is no other conclusion than that it was placed there by a human being whose intention and will was to create something that would give other human beings the illusion that the pencil was standing straight up ‘by itself.’  In other words, with this, as in all human creations, it begins not with a physical mechanism, but with an idea and with enough will and intention to gather the materials and fashion them in a way that materializes that idea and makes it functional. And by functional, that means that it is able to provide an experience to oneself or to others that you intended it to provide.  The physical world, at least that part of it which is created by the labor of living beings, which is the world of observable mechanisms, is the bridge between non-physical intention and non-physical experience.

 You speak of four forces, gravity, electro-magnetism, the weak force and the strong force, but these, alone, cannot get you to the vertical pencil or any creation by any living being, human or otherwise.  Each living being has a metabolic mechanism whereby it generates energy for its own purposes.  Now the metabolic generation of that energy can be explained in terms of the four forces; but what the being does to gather the materials and actually construct these objects, be they great works of art, breakfast, beaver dams, bird’s nests, bee hives or the intricate construction of termite mounds, cannot be so explained.  We, all living beings, use our metabolized energies to overcome the forces of gravity, of friction and inertia, to do what we ‘want’ to do.  The things we want to do, at least with all beings other than humans, and with healthy humans, often coincides perfectly with what we need to do to enhance our survival. This remarkable coincidence between biological needs and experienced desires, overlooked by modern science, is a topic deserving volumes of attention, but is not the point of this post.  My point is, when it comes to the origin of anything manufactured by creatures, it begins with will and intention, forces that don’t negate the four forces, but that are there to specifically overcome natural forces to enable these creatures to do what they want to do (which, miraculously, often aligns perfectly with what they need to do). 

When we see the complexity of human artifacts, even something as simple as a sharpened spear, we immediately assume that it was created by human will and intelligence.  If I study all the mechanisms and all the mechanisms within mechanisms that allow my iPhone to function, this should not lead me to the conclusion that it all began with some randomly formed mechanism, but that it began with an idea and the will and intention to fulfill that idea from a person or several people of very high intelligence.  The very complexity of each mechanism and the hierarchical organization of mechanisms leading to a specific and reliable result, leads us to the unquestionable conclusion that very intelligent people were at work in its formation.  


 When we see the even greater complexity of the physical structure of the natural universe, and the almost infinite complexity of the bodies of living beings, many of us see in that no evidence, whatsoever, of an intervening intelligence, while others see just the opposite.  Two different ways of interpreting the same thing.  However you think regarding intelligent origins, I ask you to to please continue reading through to the end of this post and consider it with an open mind.


  Both space and time require the existence of objects, of things.  Space is the measure of the distance between things and time is the measure of the rate at which things change or change their positions.  If you are looking for  something more fundamental than spacetime, you are looking for something more fundamental than things.  Since the time of Democritus, Epicurus and Lucretius, an assumption has been made that the universe is composed of tiny particles that are immutable, indivisible and eternal and that the various arrangements of these fundamental particles are what produces all the phenomena of the physical universe that we see around us.  Yet what are these fundamental particles?  As time went on we discovered, over and over again, that the particles that we once thought of as foundational, solid and indivisible, were, on deeper inspection, spacious and mutable.  The atom, much, much smaller than originally thought of, is almost entirely space.  As you said, Nima, the nucleus is one millionth the size of the atom and the electron is much smaller than that.  The nucleus, rather than containing immutable protons and neutrons contain much smaller quarks which occupy the space within protons and neutrons.. And now even the tiny quark and the tiny electron, rather than being, as once considered,  point particles (which is, itself, an oxymoron), are now found to contain space and within that space, according to some, are unimaginably tiny loops of string. Actually, they are called strings, but they are really tiny loops of vibrating energy.  Perhaps string theorists, wanting to hold on to the idea of a material basis for the construction of the universe,  decided to label energy loops as strings to maintain the appearance of materiality.  It is the differences in vibration and shape of these energy loops, that supposedly create all the subatomic particles that we see.  Well, that we detect, rather than see.  These particles, way too small to be seen, are detected because we are able to discern a certain spin, a certain charge and a certain mass, coming from discrete areas within the atom.

This string theory is considered by many to be the T.O.E., the theory of everything.  But how do these energy loops find themselves vibrating at such intense frequencies and maintaining such unusual shapes?  The answer is that they are supported by ten dimensions.  These dimensions occupy the interstices of space that we cannot see, or even detect,  because they are smaller than the smallest frequency of a light wave, which is the medium through which we receive information.  And it is within these invisible interstices that we find the ten dimensions and their strings.  But is a dimension a mental concept that we use to describe space and movement, or is it something real?  And by real, I mean something that is capable of exerting a force or resisting a force.  Is my movement, or yours, constrained or supported in any way by length, width or depth?  My movements are constrained by the limitations of the physical structure of my body and by gravity.  Gravity is not a dimension.  It’s a force.  Gravity is an ‘in’ force, which pushes me back toward the center of this planet.  There is also an ‘out’ force.  But we’ll talk about these two forces, as oppose to four, later.  

Proponents of string theory liken the ten dimensions and the way that they support and direct energy loops to a French horn.  The shape and size of the various sections of the French horn change the way the sound waves vibrate within them.  But wind instruments are made of wood or metal.  What material could these ‘dimensions,’ almost infinitely smaller than an atom, be made of?  And if they are not made of any matter, how could they constrain or support anything, whether you call them 'dimensions' or anything else?  And, if you continue the metaphor, with the French horn it is the player that is providing the energy to blow the air through the instrument, and if the sound being made is beautiful, makes a kind of sense or achieves a kind of harmony, then we know that the rhythm and the various strengths of the exhalations that the player makes and the stops that she presses to direct her breath to different chambers within the horn, are the result of  a plan provided by a composer, if the composer be the player herself or someone else.  In string theory, who is the composer, or the arranger and who provides the power to keep these loops spinning eternally at such precise strengths and frequencies?  And how do these mystical dimensions force the loops into particular shapes and frequencies?  The theory of everything poses as many questions as it answers.

                               A WORLD OF FORCES

Rather than 'matter,' what we discover as we peer more and more deeply into seemingly solid things,  are fields of attraction between forces.  We detect the existence of subatomic particles by detecting a certain charge, which lets us know whether the 'particle' contains an inward force, positive, or an outward force, negative, and which direction the 'particle' is spinning, since everything seems to be spinning one way or the other.  The only indication of an actual particle is the reading we call 'mass.'  But mass is the resistance to acceleration.  If mass were not a thing, but an inward force at the center of an object, pulling all elements of the particle toward it, this would create inertia and make the particle resistant to acceleration in the same way that 'matter' would, but it would put an end to this fruitless search for the ultimate particle.  There are no particles.  What we call particles are the stable, and somewhat stable, configurations of forces; one of which is an inward force pulling everything to the center and one of which is an outward force pushing everything to the periphery. 

We see these configurations as more solid and immutable than they are. Our particular sensory systems and brain structures particularize this wavy world of force configurations into a world of seemingly solid and familiar and unchanging objects.  Every 'thing' is changing and we always experience that change, at least somewhat, as a surprise. Even the biological changes of our own bodies and the bodies of the people around us, especially if we haven't seen these people for several years,  come as a delightful or shocking surprise.  Again, the universe is one way, but the way we perceive it is another, and another for every individual being from every individual species on this planet. 

By this reckoning, things are flipped:  forces are not the result of matter, but matter is the result of forces, and matter, itself, is, ultimately, an illusion of configuring forces.

                               ONLY TWO FORCES

I am not taking anything away from the complexity of all that has been thus far revealed, but I am saying that all of it is the manifestation of two forces, an outward force and an inward force.  These same two forces, the outward one and the inner one, have been referred to throughout history as yin and yang,  Heaven and Earth ( as they are referred to in the very first line of the Judeo- Christian Bible), In and Yo, Shiva and Shakti, Father Heaven and Mother Earth,  Baca and Fana, and many other names because monistic dualism, the idea that two comes from one and from two comes the many (all visible phenomena) was the main way of viewing the world in pre-industrial times. The Greeks and Romans were not the first people to think about the nature of the universe. In places later called Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas, people had been thinking and wondering about the world around them for thousands of years before Democritus ever came up with the idea of immutable particles.

I believe that the latest understanding of the Big Bang is that it came from a singularity, which was composed of a contractive (inward) force, dominating an expansive (outward) force.  The Big Bang occurred when the outward force overwhelmed the inward force.  According to current thinking, these forces predate matter.  Matter only occurred shortly thereafter as a result of the mingling of these two forces.  All I am saying is that the two forces didn’t combine to make something ‘new’ called matter.  I am saying that what we call matter is the various configurations of these two forces.  There is no thing called matter,  that passively reacts to the forces around it, but that matter is, itself, its own configuration of those same forces and interacts rather than passively reacts with the forces that impinge upon it.


The inward, contractive force, concentrates and is found at greater strengths at the center of naturally formed objects.  These objects include the relatively stable objects of atoms, protons, neutrons and quarks, of all living beings, of planets, stars, and galaxies.  They also include the less stable, more outward force dominated forms that we call waves.  Because the inward force is concentrated, we recognize it, but label it mass, which we assume is this solid thing, different from the forces that surround it, although no one has ever seen it, and no one is really sure what it is.   In its pure form, which is not part of the physical universe, but still exerts tremendous force, we recognize it as black holes.  And we are discovering more and more of them.  The current thinking is that there seems to be a black hole at the center of every galaxy.  Black holes are not a lot of concentrated matter that happen to have a lot of mass.  We only think that because we cling to the idea that forces come from matter, rather than matter coming from forces.  Black holes are pure inward energy that contains no matter whatsoever.  The inward force is so strong in these places, that it simply crushes atoms, molecules and particles (all outward/inward configurations) out of existence. The inward force of these configurations joins and adds strength to the black hole and the outward force races away from the black hole adding more pushing resistance to the now greater pulling force of the black hole. 

The outward force disperses.  It is everywhere in the universe except within black holes, but it is not part of the physical universe until it combines with the inward force.  These two forces do not so much attract each other as they entrap each other.  Any unattached inward force is immediately surrounded by enough outward force, which is ubiquitous in the universe, except within the event horizon of black holes, to keep it  from contracting more and more deeply inside itself and merging with the nearest stronger accumulation of inward force.  This attraction between smaller inward force and larger inward force is the real attraction between objects.  The inward force we call positive.  It contracts and pulls all forces toward it.  The outward force we call negative, but it is dispersive and moving away from centers of inward force.  The outward force creates the outward, centrifugal force of all spinning objects.  The inward force creates the inward centripetal force that restrains the outward force and prevents it from dispersing and flying off through the universe.  The dimensions of any object are created by the outward force.  The boundaries and stable shape of any object are created by the inward force.  

Because the outward force is expansive, it is harder to detect.   But when the outward force is confined, when we have a situation where the outward force is held back by the inward force, the amount of expansive power held in check in a tiny space can be enormous. Thus the Big Bang and every other explosion that occurs or has ever occurred in the universe.

From here on I will use the traditional words of yin to mean the outward force and yang to mean the inward force.  The yin force is held in check in every seed and egg.  We really grow out not up.  And we grow in all directions from this central, yang dominated egg/seed.  A body in orbit is being held in orbit both by the centripetal force of the powerful yang object around which it rotates and its own yin force.  If the yang force of the central object were not there, pulling the orbiting object in toward the center, it would go flying directly away from that inward force.  The force that would make it fly away is the yin force. Every seeming ‘object’ is a configuration of both yin and yang.  The earth is both yin in relation to the stronger yang of the sun, and yang in relation to the weaker yang force of the moon.  

The universe is organized in a hierarchy of yin and yang.  We will get to atoms in a moment, but for now, let’s just say that the moon orbits the stronger yang of the earth, the earth orbits the stronger yang of the sun, the sun orbits the stronger yang of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, as do all the stars and solar systems of our galaxy, and all the galaxies, the entire universe of stars, orbit the central black hole which stands at the middle of the universe.

                        THE CENTRAL BLACK HOLE

Supposedly there was a Big Bang.  I am not agreeing or disagreeing with that premise.  But if there was this huge explosion, you would be able to locate, as with any explosion,  the origin of it by tracing back the lines of debris that originated from it.  According to modern thinking, the entire physical universe is the debris of the Big Bang, and it is expanding, and has been expanding, since the Big Bang took place, about 14.5 billion years ago.  Some people liken the physical universe to the skin of an expanding balloon.  But since we can look for billions of light years in every direction through our most advanced telescopes, it makes more sense to think of it as an expanding bowling ball, where the expanding shell is at least some billions of light years thick.  

If you trace back the lines of debris from this expansion you would locate the origin of the Big Bang not in the physical universe, but at the center of this expanding bowling ball.  Yin is velocity, yang is stillness.  What exploded out was yin dominated.  The residue of the Big Bang is the central black hole of the universe.  The event horizon of this black hole begins where the physical universe begins.  The earth is billions of light years from this black hole, but also, many billions of light years from the outer edge of the universe.  So through our telescopes we should see various distances as we look in different directions.  If we are pointed straight in toward the central black hole, we should see stars, at most,  only a few billion light years away.  If we are pointed straight to the periphery, we should see stars much farther.  If we are pointed toward the periphery, but at an angle, we should see stars in some directions, very much farther still.  If we are able to look inward toward the edge of the black hole, we should see stars at great distances alongside stars that end at much shorter distances, because we cannot look through to the other side of the black hole.

                     DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY

Our calculations are based on a set of assumptions.  The assumptions are wrong, therefore our calculations are wrong.  We assume there was a Big Bang.  We assume that the ‘origin’ of the expansive force was the Big Bang, even though the Big Bang was created by the expansive force, not the other way around.  We assume that it took place 14.5 billion years ago, and we assume that the speed of light is a constant.  Based on these assumptions, the size of the universe is way too big (ninety-five billion light years in diameter as opposed to 29 billion light years) and the expansion, although way too fast among very distant stars, is way too slow among other stars.  The force of gravity is too weak for Nima’s satisfaction in many places, but too strong for other scientist’s satisfaction in other places.  Some galaxies that should have dispersed because there isn’t enough central gravity, mysteriously hold together.  

This should lead others, as it has led you, Nima Arkani-Hamed, to the suspicion that something is deeply wrong.  But for others, rather than question the assumptions that their calculations are based on, have made a radical adjustment.  They have created ‘dark matter’ which cannot be seen, cannot be observed in any way, but which we know must be there because the expansion of the universe is slowed down in certain areas.  Then we have created ‘dark energy,’ also unseen and unknowable, but we know it is there because the expansion is too fast in other areas.  And this is no minor adjustment.  According to these same scientists 95% of the universe is either dark matter or dark energy.  What we can see or in any way directly detect, is less than 5% of the actual universe.  Isn’t it time to question these assumptions?

Just like the atom has a central yang nucleus around which the yin periphery orbits; just like the solar system and the galaxies have the same, the entire universe rotates around a center, the central black hole.  If I am trying to swim away from a waterfall, and just upstream of it, my ability to make any headway will be diminished by the pull that that waterfall is having on the water at my location.  If I'm too close to the waterfall, it may overcome me and I will recede and fall back into it.  If I'm miles upstream, the pull of the falls is negligible and I can swim freely in all directions.  Stars and galaxies that are close to that central yang force, that central black hole, are expanding much more slowly, if at all.  They may be just treading water, so to speak, struggling to hold their position as their outer yin force is just in balance with the inward yang force of the central black hole.  Many billions of light years away from the center, toward the periphery of the physical universe, the yang pull from the center is negligible and the yin force is much greater.  


What is spacetime, anyway?  Oh, I know that many science writers are happy to throw a pool table top, or a tarpaulin or a bed sheet, under the entire solar system, and call this space time, so that we can see how the weight of the sun depresses it and within that depression planets orbit around in it.  But what is it?  And in what direction are these objects depressed?  As it turns out, they are alway depressed in the exact direction of the nearest stronger yang object.  Also, what could space time be made of if it is both strong enough to be depressed by giant objects and still maintain its integrity, and yet does not impede, or is not affected at all by the passage of light.  

We have heard, over and over, that the speed of light is a constant.  Our most important calculations are based on that.  We also know that light is a constant only in a vacuum.  Even the mild atmosphere of the earth slows down, somewhat, the speed of light.  And when we probe the ‘vacuum’ of space with higher and higher energy, we see more and more particles bubbling up into our universe, which leads us to think that particles are constantly bubbling in and out of our universe into a different one.  If that is true, and light, speeding through the universe, has to contend with the forces generated by all these countless particles, is the speed of light a constant?  Is there any stable vacuum in the universe where the speed of light could be a constant?


So what happens if yin/yang replaces space time?  First of all, we can do away with dark matter and dark energy.  At the center of the universe is the tremendous pull of the central black hole.  Galaxies near that black hole are expanding like swimmers trying to make headway upstream of a waterfall.  For many of them, headway is impossible.  The best they can do is tread water and no expansion is possible.  Billions of light years from the central black hole, the pull is very diminished, and the yin/yang ration of the whole environment is much more toward the yin side.  Here things can move much faster and expand much more easily.  Also, what is called the vacuum of space is pure yin, which I remind you is not part of the physical universe until it combines with yang.   When you probe that ‘vacuum’ with higher and higher energy, the yang energy of your probe is combining with the pure yin of the ‘vacuum’ and you are creating the particles that you think you are discovering.  And you are also, by the way, concocting another universe to explain the sudden emergence of these particles.



All our notion of an expanding universe comes from the Doppler effect, the red shift.  When we see light coming from stars billions of light years away, and we know, or think we know, that the speed of light is a constant, then the only explanation for the red shift is that the source of light, the distant stars, are moving farther and farther away from us.  It is on this basis that the whole understanding of an expanding universe rests.  But there is another explanation for a red shift.  And that explanation is not that the source of the light is receding, but that the speed of the light is slowing down.  We are looking at galaxies much farther from the central black hole.  Yin is dominant in these environments.  If we were able to go there and measure, which we would not be able to do, we would still get the same reading, that light is traveling at 186,000 miles per second.  This is because everything is expanded, including our measuring instruments and what constitutes a mile.  So to travel 186,000 miles per second in that expanded environment would require a much greater velocity.  And the reverse would also be true.  If we were able to measure, in an environment much closer to the central black hole, which we also cannot do, we would still get the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second, but all our measuring instruments would be contracted and our sense of what constitutes a mile would be much smaller.  To cover that shorter distance, light would be traveling much slower.

The problem is that when we look through our telescopes we are seeing light that began in one yin/yang context and is moving to another.  So from within any context, from within that frame of reference, light would be traveling 186,000 miles per second.  But looking at it from our perspective light slows down considerably to enter our more contracted yin/yang context.  Since we are much closer to the central black hole than the periphery of the universe, we see the great majority of stars as ‘expanding’ too fast, and some as expanding too slow.  But it is not the receding or approaching of the galaxies, but the change in the velocity of light, as it moves from one yin/yang context to another.



The nucleus of the atom is the yang center of this configuration.  Within the proton and even the ‘neutral’ neuron, there are enormous, powerful forces that are neutralizing each other, with yang pulling in and yin pushing out.  We feel only a very small portion of that force if the proton or the electron, for instance, is slightly out of balance. Gravity is the amount of yang pull that extends beyond the periphery of the configuration.  Yang is strongest at the center, and by the time it reaches the periphery the great, great majority of it has been neutralized by the yin formations toward the periphery.  At the periphery is the outer ring of electrons, or electron waves.  This outer periphery acts as a buffer, keeping other configurations away and maintaining the integrity of the configuration that it surrounds.  The exception is when the atom is a negative ion.  Then there is a little too much energy at the periphery.  Nothing to threaten the structure of the whole configuration, but the outer ring is looking to make a more perfect balance by sharing its outer ring with a positive ion which has a slight deficiency in its outer ring.  Again, nothing so out of balance to threaten the explosion or the implosion of the atom.  When a positive and a negative ion share their outer ring, that is as far as the attraction goes, just until a more stable balance is achieved.  There is no invasion into either atom past the outmost periphery.  An unattached electron, which is a yin charged configuration, moves to find a positively charged configuration with which it can make balance.  This is electro-magnetism.

Now in some atoms, over time, there is either a gradual loss of yang, which means that the atom is no longer strong enough to hold the periphery in tact and the atom is in danger, from too much outward force,  of explosion; or a gradual loss of yin, so that the central yang force is exerting too much inward pressure on the periphery and there is a danger of implosion.  At that point there is a yin discharge which strengthens the center of the atom and allows it to maintain the periphery without fear of explosion, or a yang discharge, if the center is too strong,  which allows the periphery to stay in tact without fear of implosion.  This strategy for maintaining the integrity of the atom, and achieving balance, is referred to as radio active decay and, supposedly, controlled by the weak force.

At the center of the atom are protons and neutrons and, as I said earlier, tremendous forces of yin and yang are locked within them.  The proton has an outer yin periphery, just like the atom does. The proton, although a millionth or less the size of the atom, contains a much smaller but much more intense force field within it than the atom as a whole.  What is referred to as ‘Coulomb’s Force’ is the negative peripheries of protons pushing away from each other.  Again, the same as at the periphery of the atom, but with much more intensity.  The strong force is that force which is strong enough to overcome the Coulomb’s force and fuse protons.  There is already a very strong yang force at the center of the atoms.  This force pushes the protons and neutrons together against the Coulomb’s force, so that we have a compact nucleus.  When a powerful exterior yang force is added to the yang force that is already there, say in the environment near the center of stars, or in the vicinity of black holes, then we have an invasion of the nucleus of one atom by another and a concomitant explosion of energy and a realignment of structures as new balanced configurations are achieved.  But the strong force is that super yang force that comes from without and not within the atom.  And I include, in that external force, what nuclear scientists can provide to make an atomic bomb.


                             PARTICLE/WAVE DUALITY

Are there multiverses, and strange paths that particles follow as they blink in and out of this universe?  Possibly, but if you question the rigidity of the particle and see it as a wave, not of matter, but of yin and yang, you would get a much simpler explanation.  Take the two slit experiment.  Every seeming object is a combination of yin and yang.  Yin creates the dimensions and yang creates the contours.  I know that there is some yang in a light wave, even though it registers as massless.  I know it because a light wave maintains a certain wavelength and shape and does not disperse randomly through the universe.  Yin is velocity, infinite velocity.  The speed of light is yin velocity held back by the smallest amount of yang known in the physical universe.  There is a stream of yang energy at the center of a light wave.  This stream of yang is too small to be detected.  When you have two slits with measuring devices at each slit, the 'measuring' device emits a positive force which attracts the yang stream at the center of the wave.  The wave undulates, so the yang stream at the center is closer to the left slit or closer to the right slit at any given moment.  When that yang stream is close enough to be attracted by  the measuring device on the right, the stream pools up on the right until it is strong enough to pull the yin waves streaming around it into an orbiting circle.  This is a photon.  The same, of course, is true, for the measuring device on the left.  

When you say that photons are massless, then you have to accept the idea that no mass at a certain velocity has enough "velocity mass"  to dislodge an electron from the surface of a metal.  But any school boy knows that however many times you multiply zero it still comes out zero.  Or as Shakespeare said, "Nothing will come of nothing.  Speak again."  Why does light bend a bit when it passes close to the vicinity of a star or the center of a galaxy?  Because it is not massless.  It does contain some yang, it's just that, on earth, there is no yang force strong enough to attract it, so that we can measure it.  It's like the matronly woman who complains that her elderly husband is devoid of libido, has absolutely no testosterone.  Then she discovers his treasure trove of pornography or that he is in regular attendance at the local strip club.  It's not that he didn't have any attractive force, it's that his attractive force was very weak, and needed a stronger source of attraction to provoke a response.  And so, light bends as it passes enormously powerful centers of yang.  Not the bending of space time but the attraction of smaller yang to larger yang.

In sum, we have a universe that is composed of two opposing forces that configure with each other.  We live in a context of yin and yang and that governs the amount of space (distance covered) and the velocity at which things occur.  From this perspective, the universe is not necessarily expanding, and certainly not at the rate that modern science predicts.  There are not four forces, but two.  And the foundation of this illusive thing that we see that is called the physical universe is not matter, but forces.  And the foundation of these forces and the precise laws that govern them is a transcendent intelligence and will, not contained within a human body, or a human brain, not within any physical constraints at all.  It is the 'name that cannot be named.'  But if you need a name you can call it the Infinite, the Atman, the Divine, as long as you don't start rigidly and materially associating that name with a specific person, a specific set of rituals, a specific hierarchy in which one God is stronger and one god is weaker, one God is real and one god is false. Not spirituality, but this rigid materialization of spirituality, that we call religion, is why so many people seem 'allergic' to spirituality.  But God is beyond opposition.  God is!

The 'sickness' at the center of your theories, Nima, is this, and as long as you continue to search for a material cause to a spiritual problem, you will never cure your sickness. I admire the diligence and the drive with which you continue to look out at the world.  What you need is to balance that with the discoveries that you can make by looking within.  You need to mix your voluminous research with at least a little 'search.'

You may think me arrogant for writing this.  But I see the sickness as well as you.  And I see it as infecting not just the world of theoretical physics, but society as a whole.  And if you are aware of the sickness and are aware of the cure, then compassion, not arrogance, would demand that you make people aware of it.

If you have read this, Nima, I congratulate you on your open-mindedness.  And, of course, if you have any response or any further questions, I would eagerly await any comments.  And that, of course, is true for anyone else who has read this post.  Thank you.

Matt Chait

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


This post is based on Brian Greene's video, 'Making Sense of String Theory.'  It's on youtube and can be easily googled.  It is less than twenty minutes.  You'll get a lot more out of this post if you watch Greene's video first.  Thanks.

We perceive and function in a world that is composed of supposedly three dimensions: length, width and depth,  and these three, in turn, function over time, which can be considered a fourth dimension. Now string theorists suggest that there may be a lot more than these four, perhaps ten dimensions plus time and the first question that they pose, that Greene poses in his video, is "where are they?"  To explain where they are, how they could be hidden from us, he uses the following example:  if we misperceive  a wire to be flat when it is actually cylindrical, and there are tiny creaures moving around within that cylinder, there would be no way, given our assumption of flatness, to locate those tiny creatures.  Well, this is certainly true.  If I misperceive a house, which may look like a facade from certain perspectives and at a certain distance,  then I would have no way of locating the people that were in the bedroom or the dining room or the living room of that house; no way of locating the rooms themselves.  If, however,  I knew the wire were cylindrical and the house was not a facade, but a three dimensional house, I would have no problem locating any of it.  And please note that  both these misperceptions are based on the notion that something, the wire or the facade of the house,  is flat.  They are not.  There is no such thing in the real world as a 'flat' thing.  If something were truly flat it would have no depth, and having no depth, it would cease to exist.  The reason this is important is that the strings of string theory, (which are not strings at all, but vibrating loops of energy) are so unfathomably tiny, that the tiniest thickness that we could imagine, or the flattest object that we could imagine, would contain within it's tiny width a whole universe of these strings.  To get a sense of the size of these strings, if the universe, which is, supposedly ninety-five billion light years in diameter,  which means that it would take light, which travels at a speed that circumnavigates our planet seven times per second, it would take light ninety-five billion years travelling at that speed, over six times the entire supposed age of the universe, to travel from one end of it to the other (and it would never get there because the universe is, supposedly,  expanding faster than the light is traveling); if an atom were blown up to be the unfathomable size of the universe that it currently is, then one of these strings would be, at the same ratio, the size of a small tree.

I don't want to keep harping on the fact that these strings are not really strings, but filaments of energy.  The reason I do so now is that string theory is supposed to be able, one day, to give the final answer to a quest that scientists have been engaged in for millenia:  What are, in Greene's words, "the basic, fundamental, indivisible, uncuttable constituents making up everything in the world around us?"  The reason, perhaps, that string theorists insist on calling them strings, rather than filaments of energy, is because the quest has really been for the ultimate particle, the ultimate bit of material, into which the physical universe is arranged and rearranged to form all the multitude of objects we see around us.  The fact, if string theorists are right, that the answer to the question is not matter at all, but a filament of energy; that the physical universe is supported by tiny, tiny loops of energy which create all the matter we see, really turns materialism on it's head.  Rather than the universe being supported by eternal and indivisible tiny particles of matter, it is supported by tiny filaments of vibrating energy.  The foundation of the universe, then, is not matter, but mysterious energy filaments in precise shapes and vibrating eternally at precise frequencies; and the origin of these precise and eternal and countless filaments is utterly mysterious.   But string theorists are not ready to admit that yet.  So I will still continue to call them 'strings' although I don't want you, the reader, to forget that they are not.

String theorists are trying to figure out a system whereby these different filaments, each vibrating at a different frequency and each spinning at a unique angle and shape, would create all the different spins and charges and masses of all the different subatomic particles.  The reason string theorists need ten dimensions, is because with only three dimensions plus time, their calculations don't even approach coming out correctly.  The only way they can approach correctness, the only way that gives them hope that some day they will get all the calculations right, is if there are ten dimensions.  So ten dimensions are imagined because it's the only way of getting their numbers right.  Each of these loops must be vibrating in it's own dimension, each with it's own strange shape, length, and thickness.   Greene uses the metaphor of a French horn.  The different shapes and sizes of the various tubes of the French horn yield different vibrations, different frequencies, when air is blown through them.  The French horn player, as he is blowing air through his instrument, is opening and closing different stops, which direct the air through different tubes and this creates the different frequencies and sounds of the French horn.  In fact, not a French horn, but a Calabi-Yau shape has been designed which attempts to replicate what these ten intertwining dimensions may look like.  If the universe is full of countless Calabi-Yau shapes, we can't see them because they are, supposedly, curled up in the tiny spaces between photons of light.  These interstitial spaces are presented as squares in a flat diagram or cubes in a three dimensional diagram.  The space in between photons is the 'too small to be seen space,' and this is where the ten dimensions arranged in a Calabi-Yau shape which separates each dimension from each other, and supports and withstands the tremedous vibrations (tremendous in relation to the size of the filaments) of the filaments within them, exists.

It should be noted that adding extra dimensions does not create the possibility of movement that would otherwise be impossible.  The proof is that the so called ten dimensional space is replicated in models called Calabi-Yau structures.  These structures, of course, are built in three dimensions plus time.  All the possible shapes are represented in three dimensions.  How the extra dimensions are really functioning in the theory, is to provide an explanation for how these different shapes are supported and sustained and separated, one from the other.

Okay, so that's the basic gist of it.  Let's first get back to the three dimensions: length, width and depth.  Greene asks where the other dimensions are, but I would like to first ask where 'length, width and depth are?"  Do they exist in the real world, or are they ideas, mental constructs, to help us locate things in space and chart the movement of things in space?  Does length, width and depth have any physical reality?  And by that I mean do any of them have the ability to resist or exert a force?  Is my or your movement constrained in any way by length, width and depth?  It's been quite a while, but I can remember doing a sommersault.  In more recent, but not very recent, memory, I recall doing the 'twist', the 'watusi', the 'jitterbug' and the 'mashed potatoes'.  In what way have I been constrained by three dimensions in doing these movements?  In more recent memory I can recall seeing people, not me mind you, twerking.   Now if anything destroys the notion of constraint or confinement of movement by three dimensions, in fact destroys the notion of constraint entirely, it has to be twerking.

The point is that the 'idea' of three dimensions gives us a way of explaining all the possible locations and movements of objects within space.  And the only way that anything can exist in this physical reality is if it has three dimensions and, of course, time, if we are to actually observe it.  For years theoretical physicists imagined that electrons and quarks were point particles.  But, of course, a point is an idea that cannot exist in the physical world.  We can represent a point by drawing a dot, but that dot must have some dimension of width, length and breadth, or it would disappear and become a true point, a mental concept that we can all conceive of, but which really doesn't exist.  The same is true of a line, which can be represented by a drawn line, but if that drawn line does not have the other two dimensions, has absolutely no width and no depth,  it would disappear and become a true line in the only place where true lines exist, our imaginations.  The same holds true, of course, for flat.  And the same holds true for the 'dimensions' of length, width and breadth.  They have no force and they can resist no force.  They exist in our minds, and this is a very useful place for them to exist because they help us accurately imagine where and in what shape physical phenomenon are taking place.

If we want to talk about dimensions that have existence and force, it makes much more sense to talk about inward and outward.  We live in an expanding and contracting universe.  All objects, including our bodies, are part of that.  The universe, supposedly, began with a Big Bang.  This wasn't an up Bang, or a down Bang, or a side to side Bang.  It was an out Bang.  The universe expanded.  And the Big Bang, supposedly, was preceded by a singularity, an infinitesimal speck within which was contained all the mass of the universe (talk about contraction).  Expanding and contracting water create tides and waves and storms.  Expanding and contracting air create weather.  Expanding and contracting heart muscles create blood circulation.  Expanding and contracting intestinal muscles create digestion.  Expanding and contracting lungs create respiration. We don't really grow up.  We grow out, starting with a tiny egg or seed, and expanding in all directions.  We don't really fall down.  We fall in.  We are being pulled in by the gravitational force, or the inward force of our planet.  We also experience, constantly, this expansion and contraction.  Often, hopefully, we are in tune with our environment, and are more contracted and active and focused during the day, so that we can accomplish our work and daily activities, and more relaxed and expanded at night so that we can sleep and be good sensitive receptors to the communications that come at us from our loved ones.  We have all experienced being too 'tight' to be able to sleep, or to be able to slip into relaxed social conversation.  We've also been too expanded, too 'spacey,' so that it's hard to focus, too distracted, with circular thoughts and unable to get our work done or meet our responsibilities in the competent way that we would like.

Although we may be unhappy because our bodies are too long, too short, too wide, too thick, that is our idea of what they should be, and not the dimensions of our bodies exerting their own force.  When your stomach is too distended, when your heart is too contracted,  when your muscles are too cramped, when your intestines are too tight or too flaccid, you will feel those effects regardless of what your thinking is.  Expansion and contraction have force; length, width and depth do not.

So when Greene is talking about these 'extra' dimensions, he is not talking about dimensions at all, at least in the way that we know them.  There are no 'length' tubes, or 'width' tubes that encapsulate us.  The only limitations on our movements come from the physical structures of our body and gravity, which is really an in force and not a down force.  Also, it is not the wind, but the metallic walls of the French horn that are vibrating.  Wind instruments are made of metal or wood.  The Calabi-Yau models are made from molding clay, or plastic. They have to have some level of sturdiness to withstand the jostling that will happen as they are transported from the manufacturer to the buyer.  But what are the 'real' Calabi-Yau shapes made of? The ones that have to withstand not the one time jostling of truckers, but the eternal jostling of the enormous power and vibrations of these strings (enormous in relation to their size).  Are they made of dimensions?  But,  as we've noted, dimensions, by themselves, are ideas, not realities.  They have no force and they can resist no force.  And without matter, they cannot be separated,  one from the other.  So the only way this can work is if this twisted, convoluted shape, actually was made of some kind of matter.  But the only matter we know of, especially solid matter, especially force resistant matter, are made from atoms containing several protons and neutrons, completely and exponentially dwarfing the size of these filaments, and the little interstitial cubes between points of visibility.

Greene knows of the existence of these subatomic particles, whose origin he is trying to explain, by discrete measurements made within the atom.  These measurements are of spin, charge and mass.  Spin is measured just outside the periphery of the 'particle' if there is a particle.  It measures the velocity and the direction in which the 'particle' is spinning.  Charge measures the force, also just beyond the periphery of the 'particle', whether it is an out force (negative) away from the 'particle' or an in force (positive) toward the 'particle.'  But what of the particle itself? How is that detected?  Well, that would be mass.  Mass is equated with matter and matter with mass.  The more mass the more matter and the more matter the more mass.  But what is mass, actually?  It is a measurement of inertia, of how much resistance to acceleration a 'particle' has.  If this is accomplished with 'stuff' what kind of stuff would it be, in the center of a subatomic particle,  many millions of times smaller than an atom?  What if mass is not matter?  What if mass is the inward force that pulls in toward the center of what we call a particle?

I know in many diagrams and videos, subatomic particles are represented by brightly colored dots, and that gives the impression that they are some kind of material balls.  String theory puts a filament of vibrating energy within that ball.  But is there a ball?  Is there a material encapsulation of subatomic particles, or of atoms for that matter?  No.  The shape of a natural object from subatomic particles to atoms to organisms, to planets to stars to galaxies, to the entire universe, is made from the tension between the powerful inward force at the center of the object and the outward, dispersing energy at the periphery of the object. The inward force creates the boundaries, the shape of the object and the outward forces create the dimensions (a useful term to describe how much of space an object occupies) of the object.  The stability of the object is created from the stable balance between the inward force pulling in and the outward force pushing out.  Particles are not particles at all.  They are stable configurations of opposing energy that appear to us, with our nervous and sensory systems, with our cultural educations, as solid objects.

A word about the interstices of space as seen on Greene's diagram in two dimensions on his video and can be seen in three dimensions on many diagrams elsewhere.  They do not exist.  The notion that space is carved up in these 'objective' invisible cubes comes from the idea that light waves and photons are two different things traveling together.  At regular intervals in a moving light wave one comes upon a photon, and since the light sensitive membranes of our eyes translate photons into electrical energy, the spaces where there are no photons (a particle) but only light (a wave) you get these gaps in our vision, which are so tiny no one can notice, hence these tiny cubes of space that cannot be seen and where the supposed ten dimensions and the Calabi-Yau shapes are located.

Light waves and photons are not two different things.  They are two different states of the same thing.  Light waves are light in its wave form and a photon is light in its particle form.  I'll call the outward force yin and the inward force yang.  A wave is a yin dominated configuration.  It moves very quickly outward.  Light speed is the speed of the yin force held back by the tiny stream of yang at its center.  Without that tiny central stream, the light wave would have no shape, but disperse through the universe as pure yin.  When a light wave encounters a measuring device, a loosely bound electron on the surface of a metal, or a light sensitive membrane, that stream of yang at the center of the wave is attracted by that energy and accumulates at that spot until the yang force is strong enough to pull back the yin waves that are streaming forward and force them to bend back and encircle this accumulation of yang.  It becomes a yang dominated configuration with the yin force circling around it.  This is what we call a particle, and this particular particle is called a photon. It is either absorbed by the light sensitive membrane or reconfigures instantly back into a wave once it is measured.

The light sensitive membrane of the human eye, of the eye of any creature  does not have to 'wait' for an encounter with a photon.  The nature of the light sensitive membrane, the energy of it, instantly converts the wave into a photon.  There are gaps, but they are due to the amount of time, a tiny, tiny fraction of a second, for the light sensitive membrane to perform molecularly all the functions that need to happen to convert the photon into an electrical impulse, and another split second of time to rearrange itself molecularly to receive the next photon.  So this does create tiny gaps in our perception that are unnoticeable.  These gaps, however, are not 'objective.'  They are not a function of the nature of light, but of the nature of our particular mechanisms of seeing.  That means that my gaps are not in perfect synch with your gaps, and with enough viewers, there are no gaps.  You overlay a map of my interstices with everyone elses and there are no interstices.  Nothing is missed.  There are no cubes, no perceptual spaces 'out there' to hide these vibrating filaments and their Calabi-Yau constructions made of immaterial dimensions that behave as if they are made of the most sturdy, durable material.

Oddly, Greene seems to think that if we get the placement and the frequencies of all these energy filaments right, then that will finally and ultimately explain the origin of the universe and the origin of the twenty or so precise numbers necessary for the universe to exist; numbers such as the mass of  electrons, the mass of quarks, the strength of gravity and electromagnetism.  Supposing this all could be figured out, how could anyone be satisfied with those precise placements and frequencies of filaments as the 'ultimate' answer.  Going back to the French horn, yes, the shapes and lengths of the different tubes create different frequencies.  But it is the French horn player that is providing the energy that creates all the vibrations, and if it is beautiful, harmonious music that is being created, this is the work of the composer of the music.  It is not the pipes of the French horn that create by themselves the music we are enjoying.  So too, if string theory were correct, which it obviously is not, but even if it were, it would, at best, provide the dimensions of the instruments that the Creator, the Atman, the Infinite, the Cosmic Consciousness designed so that the energy that the Infinite provides and the rhythm that it provides it in, creates the beauty and the harmony and the functionality of the universe around us.

Monistic dualism, the understanding  that the Universe began with one creator and bifurcated into two forces from which came all the phenomena of the world, was the prevalent view in the pre-industrial world of Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East.  Among many other names, that one creator was called the Infinite, Allah, the Tao, Hashem, God or the Atman, and the two forces were called Yin and Yang, Heaven and Earth, Tawa and Takpella, In and Yo, Father Sky and Mother Earth, Shiva and Shakti, etc.  To get a deeper understanding of this perspective, please read more posts of this blog.  Thanks.

As always, your comments are welcome.